Case Studies

At the Wessels Group, we deliver results. Please take a look at the following case studies to see the accomplishments that resulted from our working partnerships with these organizations:

Healthcare Organization

Situation: A healthcare organization wanted to develop leadership and interpersonal competencies and create a performance-based culture in order to reduce turnover and increase retention. Recognizing that most people leave their managers rather than the organization, this company wanted to focus on supporting and training their managers.

Task: After facilitating meetings to create the entire project plan, we identified and defined core competencies. With this information, we created and implemented a new communication plan for training, performance management and hiring.

Results: The organization had a project plan to improve its support and training of managers. We provided a timeline, competencies and definitions to develop a performance-based culture. A process for implementing the new training curriculum and communicating the new culture was created as well.


IT Solutions Organization

Situation: Executives in an IT solutions firm needed a three-year strategic plan and an improved method of working together for increased effectiveness.

Task 1: We facilitated team and communication workshops around DISC behavioral styles, perceptions and expectations.

Task 2: We created and facilitated a three-year strategic business plan.

Results: As a result of the workshops and strategic plan, the firm had an increased understanding of its goals and improved its communication. They were able to recognize each other’s communication and behavioral styles to create a more effective and efficient team, shifting from from an activity-based to a results-based focus. The creation of the three-year plan included the launching of a new business.


Education Organization

Situation: An education organization needed to improve its teamwork and increase cross-functional communication. They also needed to develop a strategic plan.

Task: We facilitated an offsite, daylong retreat to establish team identity, purpose and values. This retreat focused on building trust while improving interpersonal skills and communications. We also guided their discussions on and development of their strategic plan.

Results: The staff's teamwork improved as each member had a better understanding of the team's identity, vision, values and operating principles. In addition, the organization was able to create an effective strategic plan, which they had been struggling with for weeks, in only a few hours.


Engineering Organization

Situation: Under new leadership, the engineering firm wanted to create a three-year strategic plan.

Task: We facilitated a brainstorming session to first determine the firm's vision and current business analysis. This information was used to guide discussions and develop an appropriate strategic plan.

Results: The new leader quickly developed an understanding of the business and was able to participate as a member of the team and build rapport with the leadership team. Together, they developed a three-year strategic plan to effectively move the company forward.


Healthcare Communication Organization

Situation: The CEO of a fast-growing healthcare communication organization wanted to raise the level of responsibility, decision-making and accountability of his leadership team.

Task: We facilitated a meeting to identify and create the organization's vision, values and mission statement, as well as establish operating principles and an implementation and sustainability plan.

Results: The organization was positioned to take the business to a new level where the leadership team made more decisions and owned the results. The team’s mindset shifted from taking direction to creating direction.


Nonprofit Start-Up Organization

Situation: A newly created nonprofit organization needed to establish their vision, mission, values and operating principles. They also needed to create a six-month start-up strategic plan.

Task: We facilitated a meeting for the organization to discuss and establish its vision, mission, values and six-month goals.

Results: Within a few hours, the nonprofit organization identified and created their vision, mission statement and six-month goals. We facilitated subsequent meetings to help develop the organization, and they were able to launch the organization within three months.


New Board of Directors

Situation: A large professional organization with a newly elected board of directors wanted to quickly establish teamwork among the board members and and create their yearly strategic plan.

Task: An offsite, three-day retreat for the board members was facilitated.

Result: The retreat resulted in an increased understanding of each member's communication and behavioral styles for more effective communication. Results also included the creation of the BOD's vision, values and operating principles; creation of a strategic plan with an implementation timeline; and creation of their year-long education plan.


International Financial Organization

Situation: An international financial firm needed to develop stronger client relationship management skills among account executives and managers.

Task: We developed and facilitated a training course to address relationship management skills and shift the perspective from managing activities to managing relationships.

Results: The training created a cultural shift in how account executives and managers think about and handle clients. The training focused on recovering damaged relationships; uncovering new opportunities with clients; and being brought into client planning sessions earlier. In addition to improved relationships with clients, account executives and managers also improved their relationships with colleagues, associates and team members.